
Crazy About Coco

Coconut oil is the new celebrity of oils. Everyone is talking about it and everyone one wants to use it. Being Caribbean, anything with the word coconut makes me happy and triggers calypso music to play in my head so I jumped on the coco-train quickly. Coconut oil is now a staple in my beauty routine to the point where I now have a giant Costco size container of it sitting with the rest of my make-up. Coconut oil is also very moisturizing and thanks to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant effects it can be used in many different ways: (more)

1.  I do a weekly coconut oil treatment where I leave it my hair for hours then rinse it out. It keeps my dry hair moisturized for an entire week. 
2. I also use it as a moisturizer on my hands, knees and feet during the winter when they get really dry. 
3. I use it as a lip balm, specially after I do a lip scrub when my lips are burning.
4. I substitute it as a facial moisturizer. I don't do this often as my face will look ridiculously oily but it achieves a dewy look without having to use any foundation. 

I'm still on the fence about cooking with coconut oil. It is made up almost entirely of saturated fat which is associated with heart disease however health fanatics swear that the kinds of fatty-acids found in coconut oil (medium-lenght) are actually health-promoting and can aid in digestion, weight loss and memory function amongst others. The scientist in me still needs more proof for this but in the meantime, I will continue to lather my hair with this magic oil. 

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