
Straight natural hair guilt

My 4a/4b natural hair is a lot of work. It requires constant moisture otherwise it quickly turns into a tangled mess. It doesn't respond well to shampoo and it also never wants to turn out like the YouTube tutorials say it will. For the most part, I keep it in buns and braids but eventually, even those needs to be taken out *tears*. What do I do after taking off my braids ? I straighten it. I feel very bad doing so, I can hear my sister talk about heat damage (easy to judge when you have 3C curls, please shut up). But I still go through with the frying of my hair. I am lucky my hair is so coarse that straightening doesn't affect my hair too much (so far).

Somewhere in the natural community, a cardinal rule was written that a natural shall not straighten his/ her hair or he/she will will be subject to shame and irreparable heat damage.

And yes, I agree most of the reasons why I prefer my hair straight is because it's just easier. Easier to blend in with my coworkers. Easier to do my hair in the morning, Easier to fit society's beauty standard with long stretched hair. I could go on. But sometimes, truly, it isn't a political statement. I just want to go to bed without worrying about twisting my hair for 30 minutes. I don't want to get pneumonia when working around with wet hair in the Canadian winter. These may still be superficial reasons (except pneumonia, that one is real) but I don't think that having straight hair diminishes my #BlackGirlMagic. Sometimes, a girl just wants options.

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