
How to Be a Happy, Broke, Unemployed Grad

Being an unemployed grad changes how I go about my day to day life. Previously a trip to Starbucks was part of my work day, now I can't even fathom spending over five dollars on a drink. Money is  limited to state the obvious so I have to choose different ways to entertain myself without having to spend much.

1. Go to museums & art galleries on their free days : Here in Ottawa where I live, a few museums are free on Thursday nights and you can find me cruising the isles and taking in all the culture. Museums are great teachers that show me how little I know and encourage me to further educate myself.
National Gallery of Canada 

2. Walk in the mall : It's always fun to walk around stores and look at their new clothes and it's a good cardio. The key is not to buy anything however tempting they are.

3. Volunteer : Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community. Find a cause or organization  you're passionate about and reach out to them to see if they are in need of volunteers, they usually are. There are even websites specially designed to help you find volunteer opportunities in your area. The experience you gain can even be added to your résumé. (more…) 

4. Go to a public library : For years I had neglected going to public libraries when I could simply pop into Chapters and buy a book for $20. But twenty dollars per book adds up. Libraries have an immense selection to choose from and it's all free. Plus library books smell great (or maybe that's just me).

5. Go for a hike/jog with friends : Whenever my friends ask me to go out it usually is to a restaurant. I spend the entire time fretting over so many things like how much this dinner is costing, how much sodium is in the food- a ginormous amount- how will our Instgram pictures look. Instead, I can enjoy time with my awesome friends outside while taking in some vitamin D.

6. Host potluck dinner parties : Hosting a dinner like I'm a young Martha Stewart is one of my favourite activities but the cost of the food can quickly add up. Invite friends or family over to a potluck (the more guests, the more food) and with each person contributing, you don't need to spend much on food. 

7. Keep applying for jobs : Searching for a job is a job on itself but the key is to not give up. Update your résumé and cover letter often and take advantage of networking opportunities. 

8. Regulate your finances : This one may be tricky due to the whole unemployment thing but bad finances can gravely affect your future. Try to at least make minimum payments on your debts for the time being and contact credit card companies to see if you can lower interests on your cards. Manage your student loans, check if they offer options to delay loan re-payment until you are employed (mine did). 

Until then, you don't have any control over your employment but there are other aspects in your life you can somewhat control so during this forced break, try to be the best you you can be.

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